Monday, August 20, 2007

Does Offline Advertising Drive Online Searches?

Jupiter Research and iProspect have released the results of a fascinating study about how people use search engines. The whole study can be found here.

The interesting part for me, however is the chart showing which offline advertising/marketing medium influences people the most to go online and use a search engine to find the product/service they were just exposed to via traditional marketing/media channels:

Offline channels clearly influence a significant percentage of online search subsequently perform queries on search engines based on the company name, product or service name, or slogan that appears in the messaging of that offline channel.
...Television and word of mouth are the two most frequent offline drivers of search, ...both of these channels influence over one-third of online search users to perform a search.
Even more surprising is that a full 67% of online search users are driven to search as a result of some offline channel.

We'd all be well served to keep in mind that folks are responding to our advertising and marketing by going online, so that ads and collateral should promiently list your website's URL.

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