Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Google Local Search Results Change

Just a heads up that Google Local has changed the number of results that it displays from 3 to 10, and based on this post from Search Engine Land your ability to ensure that your nonprofit to be displayed in that top 10 is at least in part due to positive reviews.

So for all of you managing your local search listing, I would encourage the folks you work with to create a review of your services.

For an example of what I'm talking about, type "volunteer opportunity in Chicago" into Google's search box and see what happens. The first thing you should notice is that neither Volunteer Center in Chicago is listed (so if you're reading this blog and work at those Volunteer Centers, I would register your Center). Also you'll notice that the Chicago Symphony Orchestra has 17+ reviews. Go ahead and click on the reviews link...notice that there's a "Write a Review" link at the top? This is where your volunteers and folks that you work with should go to write a recommendation about your services.

Is it worth it? Did you notice that it lands you in the #1 spot for free for "volunteer opportunity + city"? That should be a part of every Volunteer Center's "winning" keywords list, so I think it's totally worth it.

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