Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Optimizing your site for Yahoo

Most of the tips that I have provided to our users focus on optimizing your site for Google, but I stumbled upon an article that just focuses on optimizing for Yahoo. The full article is here, and here are the bits I think you should focus on:

Title Tag: Keep your title tag as short as 5 small-medium sized words and include one complete incidence of your keyphrase.

So I would suggest that you make sure your title tag includes the word "volunteer" and your city/state.

Meta Description Tag: Start this tag with an incidence of your keyphrase and then produce a short 15 - 18 small-medium sized word sentence clearly describing your site.

So make sure you start this tag with the word "volunteer"
Keywords in URL: Create keyword-based filenames that closely represent the content within the file. Yahoo rewards keyword-based filenames a small amount - perhaps enough to push past your competition.

This includes when you upload .pdfs - label them starting with some of your keywords

When building links for Yahoo concentrate on quality not quantity. Quality links would be one way links from sites that specialize in content directly relevant to the content on your own website.

So start with links from the community service section of university's sites, from your nonprofit's sites, from the "services" section of your local city's site.

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